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Against the repression of Javier Milei in Argentina
Solidarity with PO and popular militants
Argentine President Javier Milei and his Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, have launched a fierce campaign against social protest from the very first minute of their mandate, threatening democratic freedoms in Argentina.
The situation is escalating towards the persecution of opponents, particularly targeting popular activists, especially those from the piquetero movement—an organization of the unemployed and precarious workers in the poorest neighborhoods.
A clear example is the accusation of “sedition” and “terrorism” against those who protested against the “Bases Law”, which intends to hand over the country to big financial capital. There are still comrades detained, and the government has even declared a virtual state of siege during the demonstrations at the Congress.
A report from the Center for Legal and Social Studies (CELS) revealed that, in the past six months, 665 people were injured in protests in Buenos Aires alone. 80 suffered arbitrary detentions, and 47 journalists were injured in Buenos Aires, Córdoba, and Rosario. Amnesty International has also reported on the deterioration of democratic freedoms in the country.
National security forces have raided soup kitchens and community centers in Buenos Aires City, and now also in Buenos Aires Province and Neuquén, against organizations like Polo Obrero, MTR Histórico, Barrios de Pie, and many others. We are talking about dozens of comrades whose homes have been raided, who were detained, and prosecuted.
The repression also extends to the labor movement. The police have entered workplaces to interrupt assemblies and suppress protests by the Sutna (tire workers’ union), public sector workers, among others.
The solidarity movement with the Palestinian cause has been attacked, with activists facing legal action for their comments on social media, including MP Vanina Biasi.
The focus of the attack is on Polo Obrero, with its members facing the risk of imprisonment for organizing in their neighborhoods. Milei and other far-right figures have even made death threats against leaders like Eduardo “Chiquito” Belliboni.
One of the most serious actions was the raid on the central office of the Partido Obrero (Workers’ Party) of the Left Front. This prompted a complaint to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, supported by all opposition blocks.
The media lies, cyberattacks, and judicial maneuvers are copied from European and American far-right tactics. Milei seeks to blame thecrisis on the most impoverished and vulnerable people.
But the reality is the opposite. It is the efforts of the workers and their organizations that enable survival in the face of a government that ignores the social consequences of its austerity policies.
The other side of the government’s repression is its corruption. Scandals have emerged involving the resale of food intended for the most needy and the withholding of tons of food while the Argentine people suffer from hunger.
If we do not stop this situation, Milei will achieve his goal of imposing more cuts and ending political freedoms. Freedom for all political prisoners and closure of the persecutory cases by Milei and Bullrich’s justice! Down with the persecution of the piquetero movement, trade unions, and the popular movement!

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